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What To Know

Want to help with the development of Immersion? This page will discuss what different things you should know to help you get started. Please note, you DO NOT need to be an expert in any of these techonolgies if you want to participate. The main goal with a project should be to learn do not hesitate and worry about is this right or wrong, we're all here to learn together.

The Go Programming Language​

The first thing you should get familiar is the Go programming language. We plan to write the backend of the program in this language so knowing the syntax and language features will be important. You also should become familiar with the Discord Go Library.


React JS​

One of the parts of the project that we need to build is a dashboard for users to change bot settings for their server. This will most likely use React JS so knowing how it works will help in developing this part.


Python Programming Language​

It's important to be familiar with the Python Programming language. We'll be using Python when defining and auditing our CDK stack. It's important to understand the fundamentals to successfully manage our cloud resources for Immersion:

  • Python Classes
  • Python Function
  • etc Here's a useful resource

AWS Services​

Below are the following AWS services that we know we will be using at the moment so please learn more about them.

The Engage API​

The glue to this project is the API that Engage provides. It lets us pull data from the service which we will use to help sync it with Discord.
