📄️ introduction-to-react-and-material-ui
📄️ Designing the User Interface
In this section, we'll design and implement the user interface for our PhotoSky application. We'll create a responsive layout using Material-UI components and implement the main features of our app: displaying images, uploading new images, and managing the image gallery. We'll also integrate a notification system using the notistack library.
📄️ State Management in React
In this section, we'll dive deep into state management for our PhotoSky application using React hooks. We'll cover how to manage local component state, share state between components, handle side effects, implement error handling, and manage loading states in our application.
📄️ Handling Image Upload and Camera Integration
We use useRef to create a reference to the file input element, and useCallback to memoize our upload functions:
📄️ Integrating the Backend API
In this section, we'll dive into how our React frontend integrates with the backend API we built in Part 1. We'll explore the API calls for fetching, uploading, and deleting images, as well as how we handle the camera integration for capturing new images.
📄️ Testing and Deployment
In this final section, we'll cover comprehensive testing procedures for your PhotoSky application and guide you through deploying both the web and Android versions. We'll go through the process of testing locally, implementing automated tests, and deploying the web app.